Videos for Classes 1-3 in order

Videos for Classes / Lessons 1-3 for the Script & Archetypes Online Course

Introduction to the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm (Lesson/Class 1 Video)

Daniel Giamario discusses the origins and the nature of the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm with Cayelin Castell and Erik Roth (1 hour, 6 minutes)

Videos for Lessons Two and Three

The Astrological Symbols by Cayelin Castell (Lesson 2 Video)

Astrology Symbols with Cayelin Castell, 33 Minutes

Cayelin Castell shares about why the astrology symbols are the way they are. Reading and drawing the symbols is an essential skill needed for reading a chart and ephemeris

The Chart as a Map and How to Draw a Chart (Lesson 2 Video)

Cayelin Castell shares about the nature of a natal chart and how a person can create one (33 minutes)

The Four Elements of Shamanic Astrology (Lesson 2 Video)

The Four Elements in Shamanic Astrology with Cayelin Castell (1 hour, 22 minutes)

Explore the 4 elements through the signs and learn how to determine the strength of elements on your own natal chart.

The 3 Modalities of Shamanic Astrology with Cayelin Castell (Lesson 2 Video)

The Three Modalities of Shamanic Astrology (52 minutes)

Explore the Three Modalities (Householder, Self-Exploration/Self-Interest, In Service to Spirit). This content is essential in determining aspects and for gaining a deeper understanding of each of the signs.

The 12 Astrological Houses and what they mean (Lesson 2 Video)

The 12 Astrological Houses with Cayelin Castell (51 minutes)

Planetary Aspects in Shamanic Astrology with Cayelin Castell (Lesson 3 Video)

Planetary Aspects in the Natal Chart – 1 hour, 18 minutes

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