Shamanic Timeline Online Course – 25% Special Solstice Pricing

25% June Solstice Special Pricing – Until July 12th!!

Shamanic Timeline Online Course – Details and Registration

Our newest online class is hosted by Daniel Giamario and Cayelin Castell, with help from our managing director, Erik Roth. This course explores the most important mysteries connected to the Outer Planets as initiators, teachers, and guides both on the natal chart and by transit. Once you register and pay, you can begin learning right away!!

This online version is based on our 5-day in person intensive known as The Shamanic Timeline and Planetary Complexes and is the next offering after last year’s very successful first online course, The Script and Archetypes available here.

I really want to thank you Cayelin and Daniel most sincerely for an amazing series. Not only is your knowledge and insight hugely exciting and awesome, but your presentation is so clear and interesting. Jennifer W

The Script and Archetypes course explores how to read a natal chart to determine the soul’s intent and life purpose using the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm.

The Shamanic Timeline online course, focuses on the planetary cycles of initiation and the outer planet complexes found on the natal chart, what it means and how to work with it for maximum results.

You will learn how to calculate the planetary cycles for both personal and generational cycles (including special case transits for Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto etc). You will also learn about the major and minor “flashpoints” that occur during a person’s lifetime. For example, you will discover why full adulthood occurs around age 29 and what cycles are happening at a time western culture refers to as “the mid-life crisis” along with significant age related cycles that occur throughout a person’s life.

This has been a GREAT class!!! Thank you Daniel, Cayelin, Erik and all participants. I learned and deepened in my understanding a lot. Thank You so much! My readings are just better now. This approach to astrology is so amazing and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to take both the Timeline and Script and Archetypes Classes. Lyn G

You will also discover and understand how the planets are teachers and guides and how to work with them for best results for yourself and others. In this course, you will explore the essence of each outer planet as a guide and how these planetary guides are helping us to grow and evolve. You will also understand all your life phases with greater clarity (especially those new to Shamanic Astrology) and how these Timings are invaluable for personal ceremonies.

In addition to all the regular course content, there are 10 Q & A Video Sessions designed to help you effectively integrate the material being presented.

The Timeline class has been amazing. I’m sure I will say this over and over; the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm is SO helpful in looking at myself and my life. Funny how the archetypal approach is so helpful personally! I’ve studied astrology since the 1970’s and have been attempting to be a professional astrologer on some level since 2008. However, in terms of my understanding of myself, I can’t say that “regular” astrology has ever given me real satisfaction. After all these years of study and many readings – some by well-known astrologers – I haven’t really seen myself that well through astrology (so how well have I helped my clients thus far, really??).  Now, I have hope for myself (and my future clients)! Thank you! Love and Blessings, Nancy

The 17 lessons are as follows (includes 3-part Lesson 3):

  • Lesson 0 Introduction to the Online Course
  • Lesson 1 Overview of the Shamanic Timeline and Planetary Complexes
  • Q & A Video for Lessons 0 and 1
  • Lesson 2 The  3 Worlds (Middle World, Celestial World and Underworld)
    Earthrise from Moon
  • Lesson 3 A Three Part Lesson with special Videos on How to Read an Ephemeris, Planetary Transit Tracking to Determine Cycles, and Special Case Cycles, How to Determine Planetary Complexes along with a bonus video on how to use Solar Fire Astrology Software
  • Q & A Video for Lessons 2 and 3
  • Lesson 4 Saturn Complexes and Initiations (Middle World)
  • Q & A Video for Lesson 4
  • Lesson 5 Jupiter Initiations and Complexes (Middle World)
  • Lesson 6 The Lunar Nodes and their Cycles (Middle World)
  • Q & A for Lessons 5 and 6
  • Lesson 7 Where do Venus, Mars, Mercury and Vesta fit? A video presentation with Cayelin Castell and Erik Roth
  • Lesson 8 The Underworld and Pluto Complexes and Initiations
  • Q & A for Lessons 8 and 9
  • Lesson 9 Chiron Initiations and Complexes (Underworld)
  • Lesson 10 The Celestial World and Uranus including Initiations and Complexes
  • Q & A for Lessons 10 and 11
  • Lesson 11 Neptune Initiations and Complexes (Celestial World)
  • Lesson 12 The Shamanic Timeline and Flashpoints along the Timeline of Life
  • Q & A for Lessons 12 and 13
  • Lesson 13 Planetary Cycle and Complex Combinations
  • Lesson 14 Synthesis of the Timeline Course and a practice test to help you know what you have learned
  • Q & A for Lesson 14

So sad the class is done- it just flew!! THANK YOU SO MUCH  for a wonderful brilliant class! xx Kate

Be sure to contact our managing director at with any questions.

Once you register and pay for the course, you will receive an email from our Managing Director with further details of the course along with access to the videos and other materials.  If you are a member of the school  select your membership level, or select the non-member level and click on the Register Now button to sign-up. Once you have completed payment you will be redirected to the registration form to set-up your online profile to access the class content. (Find out about membership and become a member of the school)

This course is Regularly

This course is Regularly:

$897 for non-members
$822 for Bronze Members
$797 for Platinim Members

Shamanic Timeline Options

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