Sacred Marriage and Relationship Online Course 25% Special Pricing

25% Special June Solstice Pricing Until July 12th!!

Sacred Marriage and Relationship Online Course Details and Registration
with Daniel Giamario and Cayelin Castell

Course Administration and some facilitation with Erik Roth

Are you your own best Partner?

Do you know Venus and Mars together in the evening sky represent the Sacred Marriage between the Masculine and Feminine?

Do you know what you or your partner may project onto each other?

Do you know your soul’s relationship intent?

Do you know how to engage Sacred Marriage within? 
Do you know each person has their own unique intent for the Sacred Marriage?

Are you interested in gaining powerful tools for creating the best relationships of your life and greater wholeness within yourself?

If so check out this brand new online class providing answers to all of these questions.

I have to say “Wow” regarding the Sacred Marriage Class Presentations that You, Cayelin and Daniel are bringing forth!! Thank you deeply. I am enjoying all your insights while appreciating the new waves of integrating such current connections of personal and collective value! ~Lisa Tracy

This New Online Course is Complete and Ready to Go when you are!

Preview Video Below!

Course Details:

As with previous courses, the Sacred Marriage Online Course includes video classes, audios, PDF handouts, and reading material, covering over a dozen lessons. Also included are 10 recorded Q & A sessions with the facilitators.

Thanks for the fun great exercises and amazing class. I am gaining insights about myself that are golden. ~Rose Lueng

Overview of the Course

Astro Wheel Gree BackgroundThe Sacred Marriage and Relationship Online Course explores what Mars and Venus have to do with who we are as men and women including:

  • What we tend to project onto our partners?
  • Our relationship intent?
  • Our path to wholeness through the personal Inner Sacred Marriage Process

In the current time, our culture tends to encourage looking outside ourselves for completion, wholeness, and happiness. Many find they are longing to find the magical other, the soulmate, the twin flame, the beloved.

This is not a criticism as it is what motivates even autonomous or renunciate individuals to learn more about themselves through another. It could even be said that the relationship quest is one of the yogas at this time. However, even for those who find a wonderful partner, that alone does not create inner wholeness. In the Shamanic Astrology paradigm, the process of creating inner wholeness, with or without a partner, is referred to as the Sacred Marriage.

Mahalo to you Cayelin, Daniel and Erik for an awesome course. I’m enjoying it oh so very much! Aloha, Karinna

Take the 1st Lesson Free in this Video:

Thank you Daniel and Cayelin for the fascinating and exciting insights you are sharing in these Sacred Marriage classes and thank you to everyone for providing your stories and queries that help deepen and widen my understanding. Gratitude and Blessings to you all! ~Jennifer Welch

It helps to have previous experience in Shamanic Astrology to take this course. If you want to take this online course and haven’t taken either the Script and Archetypes course or the Shamanic Timeline course yet we recommend you do that first. You are welcome to take this course without these courses, just know we cover content that is not covered in another approach to astrology.

This course covers:

  • Lineage Review – Your Natal Moon Sign as your relational skill set coming into this life
  • The deeper Meanings of Mars and Venus from the Shamanic Astrology Perspective
  • Projections of the Masculine and Feminine for all genders
  • What Really is Feminine and What Really is Masculine? (Its often more than what most people think)
  • Relationship Intent as described by the Relationship Axis (Ascendant/Descendant)
  • How the Outer Planets (Saturn, Pluto, Uranus, Neptune, etc.) provide personal Insights and Strategies for Relationships
  • Working with the Descendant as a way to Understand your intended connection with others and your Sacred Marriage Journey

This Sacred Marriage Course has opened my eyes to a whole new world. Thank you Daniel Giamario and Cayelin K Castell for this longer format and this group with your great questions and shares.

Additional Details Include:

  • Dozens of hours of videos and audios from previous live Sacred Marriage and Relationship Intensive
  • 10 Q and A videos with Daniel, Cayelin and Erik
  • Links to all the handouts including a summary of the Sacred Marriage material
  • Deepening Exercises and Practices to support what you are learning
  • Plus, credit toward certification as a Shamanic Astrologer or Shamanic Astrology Associate

This course counts toward certification as outlined on the certification page and is essential for the Shamanic Astrology Associate Program.

Thank you Cayelin, Daniel and Erik – this course is so very helpful…..and enjoyable 🙂 ~ Jane

Q & A Sessions with Daniel Giamario and Cayelin Castell HERE

Practical Guidance to Help With the Relational Journey

Shamanic Astrology understands that men project onto their partners or potential relationships the sign of their Venus, and women project the sign of their Mars position onto their partners or potential relationships. The tendency is for Men to look outside for their Venus, andmars-venus-hearts women to look outside for their Mars. This is true even in same sex relationships.

The key to the Sacred Marriage process, is for men to connect with their Venus (or inner Goddess), and for women to connect with their own Mars (or inner God), rather than to be at the affect of the projection. This applies to everyone, even those have been successful in manifesting an external relationship.

Practical clues for this process via the signs of Woman’s Mars and Man’s Venus (not the Sun Sign) briefly described here are:

  • Aries: take the initiative to find a new mission or purpose statement or renew the one you have.
  • Taurus: savour and enjoy the aesthetics and the feel of your own body and senses.
  • Gemini: take yourself less seriously and play more in the dance of life.
  • Cancer: accept your vulnerabilities and learn to nourish yourself.
  • Leo: go beyond the barriers to experiencing radiant, radical self-love.
  • Virgo: inquire into what your own sacred work or calling is.
  • Libra: have the courage to discover that you love the relationship with yourself best of all.
  • Scorpio: risk finding the edge of your own aliveness, and what is just beyond that edge.
  • Sagittarius: prioritize your quest for meaning and purpose, renewing your connection to spirit on your own.
  • Capricorn: find an activity that is grounded or productive, and produces some kind of practical results.
  • Aquarius: discover the value of being completely in your own space, experiencing the uniqueness of your own being.
  • Pisces: have compassion and empathy for yourself, and discover that Great Mother/Great Mystery feels the same way

Remarkably, there is no downside to following these suggestions. It strengthens an existing relationship, or aids in manifesting a relationship, while also creating inner wholeness for everyone, even those who do not desire a relationship. Plus, it feels good to do it!

The last two classes have given me astonishing insights into my sacred marriage material. Thank you so much. ~Anjani

If this life-changing course speaks to you please register below. If you are a Bronze, Gold or Platinum member of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School, you will see a tuition option based on your membership level.  Your membership tuition cannot be combined with any other discounts.

If you have taken this course in person and want to take the online version, and are a current member of the School, please e-mail our Managing Director and Course Administrator at for special tuition consideration.

How to Register:

Choose your option (based on membership level with the school or not). Use Register Now button below – once your payment is complete you will be redirected to the sign up form to set up your user profile with access to all the course materials.

This course is Regularly:

$797 for non-members
$777 for Basic Members

$747 for Bronze Members
$697 for God Members

$647 for Platinim Members

Sacred Marriage Online Course Options

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